Wednesday, June 25, 2014

@ 119 ~ Question and Mark

Ever wonder what's the solution when you are out of solution, no guts, alternative solutions didn't happen and so many unanswered statement in life?

Feeling blank, empty and void!

How do we recharge and live life again after many hard hits in life?

The worst thing in life are unfulfillment and a feeling of unworthiness, no matter how many positive audio or books that we've gone through.

When we look at other's life, you wanted their life badly. You wonder "how come?" You don't feel like going home, don't feel like learning new things, don't feel like striving, no love, no joy and living a dead life.

Maybe you can teach me?

You wish you can turn around time or go to hospital inhaling anesthetic gas and sleep for awhile.

You wish you are alone again.
You wish you are a fireball again.
You wish you have a new mindset again.

It has been very long, painfully wait for nothing and for something that is not going to happen.

Have you been there? It is like digging a hole deeper and deeper while you are standing on it.

Don't go there!
It is dangerous!

Friday, June 20, 2014

@ 118 ~ Greeeeeeen!

Now that is something that we are not going to see in the city and I miss this view very very much. 

2 days ago, I drove to Sitiawan through the "village-road" instead of the highway. As bbb...bbbumpy as it can get....I gotta bear the patience of following slow moving lorries while balancing between my desire to speed and my consciousness of safety! 

Out of the whole journey, this was the scene which I truly enjoyed the most. I even risk my life by snapping this image while driving! Coz I know it is not going to be repeated after I am gone from this place. 

Dear developers and government,

I hope you won't bulldoze this in the name of development and growth but preserve it as something for the driver to reminisce when passing by.

We still need the Greeeeeen and the fresh air breezing through us!

Life is green and great!

Friday, January 3, 2014

@ 117 ~ Sorry

More and more people got hooked on social media, video streaming, "e-planting" vegetables and all sorts of mobile stuff but less and less people practise Manners, Respect and Appreciation.

Words such as "Take Care" and "See You", do not carry much weight.
Words such as "Sorry" and "Thank You", do not carry much meaning. 

Open communication is not open anymore.
Heart-to-Heart talk is not heart-to-heart anymore.

A soulmate....who's that?
Caring and Kindness....what's that?

There are always 2 sides of the world.

I've always enjoy Sincerity and Thankfulness from people coming from small towns. Sometimes, I myself got swept off with basic manners and trust due to the experience of being manipulated, being taken advantage or being too stressful.

People may used us, climbed on us, probed us, digged us and manipulated us. 
Let's embrace the world, see the world and understand the world. 
The greatest effort is to change the world. 

Let's change ourselves first, before changing the world.
Let's go back to the basic Manners, Respect and Appreciation.

Life is Good...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

@ 116 ~ Movie Experience..s!

I'm quite a movie-goer by nature and most of the time, a movie Lone Ranger. Looking at my expertise of, there are times that I totally got annoyed by some funny situations.

It might relate to it is...

  • Sitting next to a guy that never stop wobbling his leg and you feel the entire movie is about "earthquake".
  • Some keep adjusting their back like they have some kind of angelic wings behind them. I called it the Rocking-Chair Effect.
  • Those people that passed through the lane behind you where their handbags knocked your head off without them knowing it. Worst case is while you were taking a short nap!
  • An elderly man babysitting his grandchildren while repeating exactly what is happening on the screen.
  • A big guy with a big arm conquering the armrest next to you. Adding to the pain, you also enjoy the fragrance of his body odour!
  • A group of monkeys talking to each other side by side, front & back even after the movie has started.
  • Some insensitive "robots" that were laughing off from a sympathetic scene that we are suppose to shed tears.
  • Young children started to cry in the middle of an interesting movie story....enhancing to the existing surround sound system!
  • People questioning your seat number while you were enjoying an adventurous scene, only to find out they entered the wrong cinema!!
  • Some people just wanna catch attention by purposely answering the phone and talk "loud-loud", until someone warned them from behind.
  • The cinema screen doesn't show a correct screen ratio, resulting in James Bond looking like Yogi Bear!
  • Can you imagine in an urban & civilized cinema, people fart!!! Oh c'mon...give me a break!!
I think there are much more and no wonder sometimes you just wana watch movie in a tablet!!

Anyway, Life is Still Great.

Friday, December 13, 2013

@ 115 ~ Soulmate

All of us have casual friends, good friends and buddies. 
But how many of us have a true soulmate? 

A soulmate understand us more than we understand ourselves. They care about us more than we know it.
At times, they believe in us when we doubted ourselves. And we need a person that pushes us a little when we laid back. A soulmate thinks of 2 & 3 while we are still on 1. A soulmate loves us for who we are but see us better than who we are.

Life will be very much different when we have a soulmate that heals us after we got roasted and speaks our language while sharing our life recipes. They will most likely bring us coffee when we are about to need it and fetch us to airport despite the cab service is around.

Am I describing a too-ideal person to even exist? Perhaps programming a human robot to do it? Of course it doesn't feels the same.

Some believe that we keep portraying the image of what we want and who we want, we eventually got it through the power of our subconscious mind. If that is happening, then everyone should have a soulmate and should live happily ever after?

There are times that money seems so small as compared to feelings of appreciation, fulfillment and human connections. But it is challenging to find a sincere and true soulmate in the midst of a society that has greed, manipulations, profits, motives and hidden agendas. What then?

Well, if we couldn't find a soulmate, perhaps we can be someone else's soulmate!

Be true to ourselves and....
Life is Great.

Monday, March 18, 2013

@ 114 ~ Emotional

While our daily tasks keep us busy and feeling productive, sometimes we don't even have time to really "feel" what is happening around us. We are either reviewing the past or looking forward into the future. Because the world is going into hyper-growth and moving forward all the time.

While I was driving today, I listened to some of my favorite songs and some of it did triggered some emotional moments in me. At that time, I can hardly work or use logic at all. The nice melody, meaningful lyrics and playing at the right speed and rhythm....
Some of the songs were "caressing" me while some were "striking" my heart through.

After all, life is a journey full of different stages and signboards of ups and downs.

The boring looks for the ride of a roller coaster while the hyper looks for the peace of mind & spirit.

Who are you today?
How do you feel today?
What are the words that run through your dictionary today?
Love? Regret? Success? Discourage? Passion? Betrayed? Anticipate? Never give up?....etc

Choose our words wisely as it will lead us to...
Life sucks....OR
Life is Great!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

@ 113 ~ Predestination?

I still remember reading some materials during my secondary school days about each and everyone's life were pre-destined according to some school of thoughts. While others believe that the future lies in our own hand and we have the power to create or change it.

I can't help it but observed lives around us and ponder...

If our lives were pre-destined based on our wrong-doings or right-doings in our past lives, then it is totally unfair and not justifiable for us to be punished or rewarded based on a life that we don't even remember or know in the first place?
If our lives are in our own creation and we have the power to change it, how come many people that work hard, do good and keep improving are still in poverty?

This baffles me a little...

Sometimes, I wish that I could skip & jump to the future to see what will really happen in our lives after death. Then make a U-turn to correct it back... :-)

What's your belief?
Set goals? Go for it? Overcome challenges? Stretching ourselves? Keep improving?
Just live a life by letting it be?

Let's make it simple.
In whatever area that we believe,
Be good...
Do good...
& Think good....

Life is good!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

@ 112 ~ For The First Time...

I think this is the first time I've had 3 cups of coffee in the middle of the night. It is 12:13am now and I'm still fresh sitting in McDonald having my space, my time, my coffee, writing my blogs and doing some other work.
It has been quite some time that I didn't spend time with "myself".
Poor me....
For the past months, my daily life is all about logic, processes, management, solving problems, thinking, systematize, disappointments, discouragements, being taken advantage of....etc which I'm a bit tired of it.
Tonight is the "child" in me that wanted to "play" again!
It has been awhile which I didn't touch both of my blogs and visit my other side of my brain.

Besides the first time of having 3 cups of coffee, this is also my first time staying in McDonald for so long. I guessed it was from 8:40pm till now...
Sort of enjoying it as the light is just nice, the music is nice and the air cond temperature is also just right.

My piece of mind is at peace now...
Life is great huh...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

@ 111 ~ Flock Together

We all know human beings have emotions and a need for a sense of belongings.
But look at the flock of birds...they have family spirit and a sense of belonging too!
What a wonderful creature....I wonder which part of their body have that kind of feelings.
Sometimes the extraordinary lies in the ordinary.
Life is great...

Friday, April 6, 2012

@ 110 ~ Talk To Stranger

2 days ago, I was doing my documentation work in a kopitiam...sitting there from 9.15am till evening. But during lunch time, I walked over to another restaurant nearby for a quick slurp of porridge and some side dishes. As I felt like being a herbivore on that particular day, I chose non-meat & non-fried dishes.
As the tables are quite full, I just picked one randomly and sit. It happened that I sit with a woman in her 50s I guess.

"Wow, you are really health conscious don't you?". Said the woman with a friendly tone while looking at my dishes.
"Yeap, just felt like being a horse today, hungry for grass! But at times, I do enjoy some delicious-garbage-type of food." I answered without thinking that we are strangers at all.
She laughed and we continue chatting about health, food & whatever that satisfy our tastebuds & stomach!
No motives, no communication skills, no manipulations, no analysis, no complications & no condemnations....
Just pure "no-brainer-empty" talks!

I was quite tired & stressful that day but that "stranger" helped in soothing the heat of my life by just being a casual friend. Sometimes we don't necessarily need a close buddy to talk about stuff.....just a casual acquaintance will do! Well, we talked & talked & talked until I finished my lunch.
Finally, we say Goodbye & we left without knowing names, address, phone number or any handshake!

In the era of Facebooking,, Tweeting & Youtubing, sometimes it can't replace the warmth & friendliness of a conversation from a live human being. That's what Face-time is for.

Try it. Then you'll know Life is simply Good....

Friday, March 30, 2012

@ 109 ~ William Hanna & Joseph Barbera

Despite new animation methods from Pixar or Dreamworks, one of the classical cartoon remain my favourite at all times......tonnes of creative ideas, endless energy, thousands of ways to kill each other, one day they are friends but the next day, they are enemies........all happening in a household!
That's Tom & Jerry!!
Thanks to William Hanna & Joseph Barbera who directed & written the 2 funny & cunning characters!
I wonder what is in their mind, but luckily we have them to entertain the world!
Well, we definitely love the chase & it is always the chase of trying to kill each other with axe, guns &  explosives that excite us to chase episodes after episodes.

It was produced in 1941 and after 70 is still many's favourite I believe.
Life is definitely good because of them!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

@ 108 ~ Perfect Timing

One fine day, I was thinking of going out to have a cup of coffee or read some stuff or watch a movie. Finally, I've decided to go for movie. I have no idea on what time, what movie title, any seats available or whether there is a long queue of people lining up to buy tickets!
No booking, no planning....just live the day and go for the moment.
People talks about Faith right? Let's have some Faith then...

When I arrived, I parked my car in the shopping malls parking bay and walk towards the mall entrance.
Then I realized that I left my phone in the car.
Well, no choice, I got to walk back, get my phone & return to the mall entrance.
I felt like walking up to the top floor using the escalator instead of taking a lift.
I walked slowly.....level by level....level by level.
Finally reaching the top floor. Here I was so good as no one was queuing up!
I looked at my phone.....7.37pm & the movie was at 7.40pm!
I walked straight to the movie counter, bought a ticket, sit in the cinema and....juuussst enjoy.

When we experienced perfect timing without perfect planning, Life Is So Good....!

Monday, March 19, 2012

@ 107 ~ When We Close Our Eyes Forever...

From cradle to grave...that's everyone life cycle basically.
The difference is during the journey, whether we have lived or merely survived.
Some people's journey is like a roller-coaster.
Some prefer to travel to a less crowded path.
While some play it safe and adventures are totally out of their dictionary!
In anyway we live during the journey,
we eat,
we meet people,
we love,
we communicate
we spend,
we walk,
we fight,
we cook,
we laugh,
we collect,
we cry,
we write,
we sleep,
we overcome,
we run,
we listen.......and we do endless things.

Can we say to our great self that we've done our best or live happily before we die?
Do we regret & resent before we die?
Can we enrich others before we die?

My friend, the significance doesn't lay on how we die but how we live.
I wonder how would it feel knowing when our days are nearly to the end.
Perhaps we should just call a friend, have a nice cup of coffee and just catch up....

Life is Good.....

Friday, March 9, 2012

@ 106 ~ Contacts

What a tonne of contacts that I've collected in the past years.....
Wow....can't imagine that I meet so many people from all walks of life.
Some will bless us, some just make use of us while some doesn't make any difference.
The people we meet will determine part of our destiny sometimes.
Do you believe in destiny? Or Fate? Or you believe it is all in our own hand?
Either way, I believe they can make us or break us.
Perhaps calling some cold contacts and just say "hi" to them?
Well, strangers are unknown friends after all.

Can you think of how many close buddies that you have so far? Where they can know every little things about you, accepting you and telling you the truth at times.
We are bless if we have one. Some of you have more than one, keep it up...because friendship matters.

Monday, February 20, 2012

@ 105 ~ Try It....For A Day

Try eating without thinking about health.....for a day.
Try buying stuff that you like without discounts.....for a day.
Try watching your favourite movie alone without gossip-friends.....for a day.
Try drinking wine / beer till you get drunk.....for a day.
Try riding a bike to a faraway destination.....for a day.
Try kissing your dog.....for a day.
Try eating something that you dislike.....for a day.
Try cooking without cleaning up.....for a day.
Try not to wear any make up, watches or any accessories....for a day.
Try using a different route to your workplace....for a day.
Try not to use calculator for your simple maths.....for a day.
Try not to log-in to Facebook.....for a day.
Try to play Angry Bird even if you are 65.....for a day.
Try to compliment someone unimportant today.....for a day.
Try to like someone that you hate.....for a day.
Try something expensive....for a day.
Try not to shave & looks a bit rough.....for a day.
Try drinking 5 espresso....for a day.
Try taking a evening walk around your neighborhood.....for a day.
Finally......try all the above........coz the real life is out there!!!

Life Is Good